FILMS AlleDevelopmentDocumentaryFictionImpactReleased NOT GAY ENOUGHDevelopment, Documentary CLARENS FESTIVAL OF LIGHTSDevelopment, Impact AIR REFUGEEDevelopment, Documentary BRUSJESDevelopment, Documentary A BUS FROM UKRAINEDocumentary, Released THE POSSIBILITY OF MANDevelopment, Documentary AURORAFiction, Released PIECE OF CAKEDocumentary, Released ROUGH DIAMONDSDocumentary, Impact, Released TURN IT AROUNDFiction, Released MY FATHERS SECRETDocumentary, Released CONTACTDocumentary, Released COLORS OF COURAGEDevelopment, Documentary, Impact LIFE UPSIDE DOWNDocumentary, Impact, Released BRUCEDocumentary, Impact, Released RISEDevelopment, Documentary, Impact MY FATHER THE TERRORISTDocumentary, Released PIECE AND QUIETFiction, Released DESERTEDFiction, Released OrderFiction, Released MORNINGLIGHTFiction, Released